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Tuesday 26 April 2011


A very exciting pop up shop lasting four days in New York’s SoHo Bloomingdale, showcasing the work of ANJA, THE BATTALION, STUDY NY, SAMANTHA PLEET, ROBIN BROULETTE, SUZANNE RAE, ARTISTS AND REVOLUTIONARIES, THE SWAY AND H. FREDRICKSSON. I was very busy working late and walking the dog but for many others there was the opportunity to meet and speak with the designers throughout the show. However, I did get a chance to pop in on Friday morning (before the torrential rain kicked in) and make my first STUDY NY purchase! The whole show looked great- it was a great space and lots of information about the designers for those who were looking- but the focus was about the beautiful work and the fact that it was ‘ECOLUX’ was just a bonus- the clothes were stunning and I had a great time in the changing room- a gorgeous Japanese style jacket by…., A bikini and dress by Samantha Pleet but in the end I went for …. By Study NY
I got to talk with someone from… who said that there had been a good amount of interest for the show and it was a balance of people who came because of the show and those who just stumbled across it.
I can’t wait for the next one!

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